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Angelic Messages Collective Tarot Reading

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Navigating Career Change for Success: Angelic Insights


Are you at a crossroads in your career, seeking guidance and clarity on your next steps? The ancient art of Tarot reading, combined with angelic messages, can offer valuable insights to help you navigate the challenging terrain of a career change. In this blog post, we'll explore the wisdom of Tarot cards and angelic guidance to empower you in making informed decisions for a successful career transition.


The Death Card - Embracing Change

The Death card symbolizes significant changes in your life, and during a career transition, it becomes a powerful ally. Embrace the concept of bravery as you consider leaving behind the familiar to embrace new beginnings. Learn how to move beyond stagnation by heeding the message of the Death card.

The Hermit - Introspection and Self-Understanding

The Hermit encourages introspection and solitude, urging you to seek answers from within. Discover how to listen to your inner voice and identify negative cycles that may be hindering your progress. By deepening your understanding of yourself, you'll be better equipped to make meaningful career choices.



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The Emperor - Balancing Structure and Change

The Emperor card reminds you to look beyond resistance, especially from authoritative figures. Explore how to combine your desire for intellectual growth with the need for balanced choices. Learn how to navigate a career change while acknowledging the structure and order that currently exists.


The Lovers - Aligning Choices with Values

The Lovers card, guided by Archangel Raphael, signals new beginnings. Discover how to ensure your career choices align with your core values. Learn how to communicate your desires to loved ones, while exploring the impact of your light and shadow selves on your career transition.

Integration and Balance - Embracing Your Light and Shadow Selves

Explore the concept of integrating your light and shadow selves during a career change. Understand how awareness, self-compassion, support, mindfulness, and a growth mindset can empower you to make authentic and successful transitions.


Strength Reversed - Overcoming Ego and Self-Doubt

Strength Reversed teaches you to overcome ego-driven decisions and quiet the voice of your shadow self. Learn how to work through weaknesses and build confidence as you embark on your career change journey.


High Priestess Reversed - Finding Purpose and Truth

The High Priestess Reversed encourages you to set aside ego-driven beliefs and uncover your true purpose. Discover how to overcome manipulative aspects of the humanistic ego and unveil repressed feelings to guide your career choices.


The Fool Reversed - Celebrating

Accomplishments and Growth

Celebrate your accomplishments as you transition careers, as represented by The Fool Reversed. Learn how to overcome recklessness and impulsiveness, making wiser choices based on intuition and self-love.


Incorporating Tarot reading and angelic guidance into your career change journey can provide you with invaluable insights and support. Embrace change, introspection, balanced choices, and the integration of your light and shadow selves. By doing so, you'll navigate your transition with authenticity and resilience, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful career path.



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Are you ready to embark on your career change journey with the guidance of Tarot cards and angelic messages? Trust in the wisdom of these ancient practices as you pave the way to a brighter professional future.

If anything resonated with you during this reading I would love to hear your feedback! I also accept tips and donations at buy me a Coffee, You can also purchase readings from me there as well now! Head to my Etsy shop to choose your Tarot Spread and find out what messages the Angels Have for You!



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