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First Quarter Collective Tarot Reading

by Octavia K. Brangman

In your current journey of spiritual awakening, the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, signifying that you may be approaching your intentions with some hesitation and resistance to change. It's important to recognize that this fear of change can bring about mental challenges and obstacles. The King of Swords represents the expected obstacle you may encounter - a person who embodies logic, detachment, or authority. This individual or situation may test your resolve and require you to find inner strength and clarity in your intentions.

But fear not, for the Death card emerges to reassure you that you have the power to overcome these expected obstacles. Embrace the transformative energy of Death, allowing old patterns, beliefs, and limitations to fall away. This symbolic death paves the way for new beginnings, rapid growth, and expansion in your life. Trust the process and have faith in your ability to navigate through the challenges with wisdom and resilience.

Moreover, the Judgment card reminds you to strengthen your resolve in the face of adversity. It serves as a powerful reminder that you possess the inner wisdom and discernment to make important choices aligned with your highest good. Remember to stay true to your values and listen to your inner voice as you navigate these obstacles. Through self-reflection and making conscious decisions, you will emerge stronger and more aligned with your spiritual path.

For those who are single, the 3 of Wands suggests that unexpected challenges might arise in your romantic journey. Stay committed to your desires and remain open to new possibilities. Trust that you have the inner strength to navigate any obstacles and continue pursuing fulfilling connections.

On a spiritual journey, the presence of the 3 of Wands indicates that you may encounter unexpected challenges or detours along your path towards spiritual growth. Embrace these obstacles as opportunities for learning and expansion. Trust in your own resilience and adaptability, and explore alternative approaches or practices to deepen your spiritual connection.

For parents who are having trouble planning, the 3 of Wands advises you to anticipate unforeseen obstacles that may arise in your family's plans. Take a proactive approach in adapting your strategies and be open to new ideas. Trust in your ability to find creative solutions and collaborate with your family members to overcome challenges together.

Individuals who work a lot or have multiple jobs may also face unexpected obstacles in their professional journey. The 3 of Wands reminds you to stay committed to your goals and maintain a resilient mindset. Be open to innovative approaches and seek support from colleagues or mentors. Remember, collaboration and cooperative growth can lead to successful outcomes.

If you are searching for a job, the 3 of Wands cautions that unexpected challenges may arise during your job-seeking process. Stay determined and adaptable, exploring different avenues and networking opportunities. Trust in your inner strength and ability to find creative solutions amidst any setbacks.

For those going through family issues, the 3 of Wands signifies unforeseen obstacles within the family dynamic. Embrace open communication and cooperation to overcome conflicts. Focus on finding shared solutions and fostering growth together. Trust in your ability to navigate through these challenges with resilience and collaboration.

Couples in need of guidance may encounter unexpected obstacles that test the strength of their relationship. The 3 of Wands encourages you to approach these challenges with a collaborative mindset. Let go of conflicts, focus on shared goals, and seek mutual growth. Trust in your bond and have faith in your ability to overcome obstacles together.

Lastly, for those looking forward to something exciting, the 5 of Swords in reverse assures you that you have the inner strength to overcome any unforeseen obstacles that may arise. Embrace a positive and resilient mindset, confident in your ability to adapt and find creative solutions. Trust in your journey and remain open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

Remember, these Tarot readings are tools for reflection and guidance. Ultimately, your own intuition and personal choices will shape your path forward.

As you continue your path, the 8 of Cups reinforces your strength in the face of unforeseen obstacles. This card encourages you to release attachments to situations, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve your highest good. By letting go, you create space for new opportunities, experiences, and relationships to enter your life. Embrace this process of releasing and moving forward into a new chapter with renewed hope and enthusiasm.

In terms of relationships, the reading suggests a potential reconciliation or connection with an older air sign. This person may offer the opportunity for a fresh start, providing the chance to wipe the slate clean and embark on a shared journey together.

Trust your intuition and consider the potential for growth, harmony, and love within this renewed connection.

Remember, whether you're going through spiritual awakenings, relationship challenges, managing multiple jobs, seeking love, embracing parenthood, or walking a spiritual path, these cards remind you of your inner strength, the power of embracing change, and the importance of conscious choices.

Embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion that are available to you as you move forward on your remarkable journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Find the courage to embrace change, the wisdom to navigate obstacles, and the joy of aligning with your true self.

Blessings on your journey.

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