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How Tarot Can Help Us Realize and Release Negative Thought Patterns

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

In the realm of personal growth and emotional well-being, the journey towards releasing negative thought patterns can often seem like an intricate puzzle. One unconventional yet captivating approach that has gained traction is the use of Tarot cards. These ancient symbols and archetypes can serve as mirrors to our inner selves, offering a unique lens through which we can explore our subconscious thoughts and emotions. It's important to note, however, that I am not a mental health professional. While Tarot can be a valuable tool in self-discovery and transformation, it's essential to approach it with a balanced perspective. In this blog, we'll delve into the ways Tarot can complement therapy and counseling, enhancing the introspective process while keeping in mind the importance of seeking guidance from qualified mental health professionals.


Before we begin, it's important to clarify that I am not a mental health professional. The insights shared in this blog are based on personal experiences and research, and they are not a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While Tarot can offer insights and guidance, it should not replace therapy or counseling from qualified professionals. If you are struggling with mental health concerns, it's crucial to seek the expertise of trained therapists or counselors who can provide personalized support.

Tarot as a Complement to Therapy:

Tarot, when used thoughtfully, can indeed be a powerful tool that complements therapy and counseling. The insights gained from Tarot readings can serve as prompts for self-reflection, helping you uncover hidden thought patterns, emotions, and experiences that might be contributing to your negative mental state. It's worth mentioning that the process of discussing Tarot findings with your therapist can open up new avenues for exploration during sessions. Sharing your Tarot insights with your therapist can help them ask more targeted questions, leading to deeper discussions and potentially revealing underlying issues that you might not have been aware of.


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Bridging Tarot and Professional Help:

As someone who has personally integrated Tarot into counseling sessions, I've witnessed firsthand how Tarot can facilitate meaningful discussions with mental health professionals. By openly communicating your Tarot experiences, you give your therapist valuable information about your inner world, allowing them to tailor their approach to your unique needs. Some mental health professionals might have reservations about incorporating Tarot due to common misconceptions. However, by emphasizing that Tarot is a tool for self-discovery rather than a definitive predictor of future events, you can work together to harness its potential in a constructive way.

The use of Tarot cards as a means to release negative thought patterns is a fascinating journey that can intertwine with traditional therapy and counseling. Remember that while Tarot can offer insights and spark self-discovery, it's essential to consult mental health professionals for expert guidance and support. By combining the introspective power of Tarot with the expertise of trained therapists, you can embark on a holistic path towards understanding, growth, and healing.

What are some Examples of Negative Thought patterns?

Negative thought patterns are recurring, pessimistic ways of thinking that can impact our emotions, behaviors, and overall well-being. They often contribute to stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Here are some common examples of negative thought patterns:


1. All-or-Nothing Thinking: Seeing situations in extreme terms of success or failure, with no middle ground. For example, thinking that if you're not perfect, you're a total failure. Tarot can assist in addressing all-or-nothing thinking by providing diverse perspectives, promoting self-awareness, and guiding balanced decision-making. Through symbol-rich readings, it challenges rigid viewpoints, encouraging nuanced understanding. By reflecting on subconscious thoughts and emotions, it unveils underlying causes of extreme thinking.

Tarot's insights on pros and cons of choices offer a middle path, countering impulsive decisions and fostering mindfulness. Positive affirmations within readings reshape mindsets, while journaling integrates insights for lasting change. Consulting Tarot practitioners provides external viewpoints, complementing professional mental health support. Remember, combining Tarot insights with therapy creates a holistic approach for cultivating healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.


2. Catastrophizing: Assuming the worst-case scenario will inevitably happen, blowing things out of proportion. For instance, believing that a small mistake will result in a complete disaster.

Tarot can aid in mitigating catastrophizing by offering alternative viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging balanced perspectives. Through its symbolism, it challenges exaggerated thoughts, prompting nuanced understanding. By delving into subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying triggers for catastrophic thinking. Tarot's insights into potential outcomes promote mindfulness and rational assessment, while positive affirmations reshape negative beliefs. Integrating Tarot insights through journaling can lead to lasting change. Consulting Tarot practitioners complements professional support, creating a holistic approach to cultivating healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.


3. Overgeneralization: Drawing broad conclusions based on limited experiences. If one thing goes wrong, you might believe that everything in your life is doomed.

Tarot can aid in addressing overgeneralization by offering diverse viewpoints, promoting self-awareness, and encouraging balanced perspectives. Through its symbolism, it challenges broad assumptions, prompting nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying causes of overgeneralizing. Tarot's insights into various outcomes foster mindfulness and rational assessment, while positive affirmations reshape limiting beliefs. Integrating Tarot insights through journaling can lead to lasting change. Consulting Tarot practitioners complements professional support, creating a holistic approach to cultivating healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.


4. Discounting the Positive: Dismissing positive experiences, achievements, or compliments as if they don't matter or aren't genuine.

Tarot can assist in countering the tendency to discount the positive by providing diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the habit of dismissing positives, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for discounting the positive. Tarot's insights into potential outcomes promote mindfulness and rational assessment, while positive affirmations within readings reshape negative thought patterns. Integrating Tarot insights through journaling can lead to lasting change. Consulting Tarot practitioners complements professional support, creating a holistic approach to fostering healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.


5. Mind Reading: Believing you know what others are thinking or feeling, often assuming they're thinking negatively about you.

Tarot can be instrumental in addressing the mind-reading aspect of negative thinking by offering diverse perspectives and promoting self-awareness. Through its symbolism, it challenges assumptions about others' thoughts, encouraging a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for mind-reading tendencies. Tarot's insights into potential outcomes foster mindfulness and rational assessment, helping to shift focus from assumed to actual perspectives. Additionally, Tarot cards can serve as a tool to gain insights into another person's viewpoint, offering a fresh angle on situations. Integrating Tarot insights through journaling can lead to lasting change. Consulting Tarot practitioners complements professional support, creating a holistic approach to fostering healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.


6. Fortune Telling: Predicting negative outcomes with no evidence, assuming things will turn out badly regardless of the situation.

Distinguishing between negative thought patterns, fortune telling, and practices like Tarot and other forms of divination is essential to better understand their purposes, limitations, and potential benefits. Here's how you can differentiate between these concepts:

Negative Thought Patterns:

Negative thought patterns involve habitual, distorted ways of thinking that often lead to negative emotions and impact your overall well-being. They are subjective interpretations of reality that are based on fears, anxieties, and self-doubt. These patterns can be challenging to identify, but self-awareness and mindfulness can help you recognize and challenge them. Negative thought patterns are usually not predictive in nature; they are rooted in your internal thought processes.

Fortune Telling

Fortune telling involves making predictions about future events or outcomes, often based on mystical or supernatural means. This can include predicting positive or negative events without substantial evidence or reasoning. Fortune telling often lacks a scientific basis and relies on intuition, psychic abilities, or supernatural forces. While some people may find it entertaining or thought-provoking, it's important to approach fortune telling with a critical mindset and acknowledge that its accuracy is questionable.


Tarot and Other Forms of Divination

Tarot and other forms of divination are practices that involve using specific tools, symbols, or rituals to gain insights, guidance, or perspective on various aspects of life. They are not intended to predict future events with certainty, but rather to provide a deeper understanding of current situations, emotions, and potential paths. Tarot cards, for example, are interpreted based on the imagery and symbolism they contain, as well as the reader's intuition. Divination is often used for self-reflection, personal growth, and exploring possible outcomes, rather than making absolute predictions.


To clearly differentiate between fortune telling and practices like Tarot, it's important to recognize the intention and approach behind each practice. Tarot readings and other forms of divination are often approached with a sense of curiosity, openness, and willingness to explore various perspectives. These practices can help you gain insights into your own thoughts, feelings, and potential choices, allowing you to make informed decisions based on a broader understanding of your current circumstances.


Ultimately, the distinction lies in the purpose and perspective: negative thought patterns stem from internal cognitive processes, fortune telling claims to predict future events, and divination tools like Tarot offer insights and guidance to promote self-awareness and exploration.

7. Emotional Reasoning: Believing that your feelings are facts. If you feel anxious or bad about something, you think it must be true.

Tarot can aid in addressing emotional reasoning by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the tendency to rely solely on emotions, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying causes of emotional reasoning. Tarot can look into potential outcomes promote mindfulness and rational assessment, helping to detach from overly emotional responses.


8. Personalization: Blaming yourself for external events that are beyond your control, or assuming that others' behavior is a reaction to something you did.

Tarot can assist in addressing personalization by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the habit of internalizing blame, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for personalization tendencies.


9. Should Statements: Holding yourself to rigid standards and criticizing yourself for not meeting them. Using words like "should," "must," or "ought to."


10. Labeling and Labeling: Using negative labels to define yourself based on mistakes or actions. For example, if you make a mistake, you label yourself as "stupid" or "worthless."


11. Comparing: Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior as a result. Focusing on their strengths while ignoring your own.

Tarot can aid in addressing the habit of comparing by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the tendency to constantly compare oneself to others, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for comparing tendencies.


12. Selective Attention: Paying attention only to the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring the positive aspects.


13. Self-Blame: Automatically blaming yourself for things that go wrong, even if they are beyond your control.

Tarot can assist in addressing self-blame by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the habit of assigning blame to oneself, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for self-blame tendencies.


14. Ruminating: Dwelling on negative thoughts or events from the past, often replaying them over and over in your mind.


Tarot can aid in addressing ruminating thoughts by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the cycle of repetitive thinking, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for rumination.

15. Negative Filtering: Ignoring positive aspects of a situation and solely focusing on the negatives.

Tarot can assist in addressing negative filtering by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging a balanced perspective. Through its symbolism, it challenges the habit of focusing solely on negatives, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for negative filtering tendencies.

Recognizing these negative thought patterns is an important step toward managing them. Cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness, and self-compassion can help challenge and change these patterns, promoting healthier ways of thinking and a more positive mindset.

What are some unconcious influences to negative thought patterns?

Negative thought patterns can be influenced by various unconscious factors that shape our perceptions, beliefs, and reactions. These influences can stem from past experiences, societal conditioning, and even our brain's natural tendencies. Here are some unconscious influences that contribute to negative thought patterns:


1. Childhood Experiences: Early experiences, especially negative ones, can create deep-seated beliefs and emotional patterns that continue into adulthood. Trauma, neglect, criticism, or rejection during childhood can contribute to self-esteem issues and negative self-perceptions.

Tarot can aid in working through negative childhood experiences by offering a symbolic and introspective tool for healing and self-discovery. Through its archetypes and imagery, Tarot can help individuals explore suppressed emotions, memories, and patterns stemming from childhood. By engaging with the cards, one can gradually unveil underlying issues, providing a safe space to process and understand those experiences from a new perspective.

Tarot readings can serve as prompts for discussions with therapists or counselors, enabling a structured way to approach difficult topics. The cards can symbolically represent different aspects of one's past, enabling a detached perspective that facilitates healing and growth. Integrating Tarot insights with journaling can also create a means of personal reflection, allowing individuals to delve deeper into their feelings and insights that arise during readings.


2. Cognitive Biases: Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or patterns that our brains use to process information. Negative thought patterns can be reinforced by biases such as confirmation bias (favoring information that confirms preexisting beliefs) or the negativity bias (tendency to focus more on negative events than positive ones).


3. Core Beliefs: These are fundamental beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world around us. Negative core beliefs can lead to negative interpretations of events and situations, influencing our thought patterns. For example, believing "I am unlovable" can lead to perceiving every interaction as evidence of rejection.


Tarot can assist in uncovering core beliefs by offering a symbolic and introspective approach to self-discovery. Through its archetypes and imagery, Tarot can serve as a mirror to your subconscious, allowing you to explore deeply held beliefs that might be influencing your thoughts and behaviors.

During a Tarot reading, the cards you draw can reflect patterns, emotions, and perspectives that resonate with your core beliefs. By analyzing the symbolism and interpretations, you can gain insights into the underlying values and assumptions that guide your actions. These insights can help you uncover long-standing beliefs that you might not have been fully aware of.

Working with Tarot in this context often involves asking open-ended questions related to your beliefs or exploring specific areas of your life. As you engage with the cards and reflect on their meanings, you may find connections and realizations that help you identify and understand your core beliefs more deeply.

Journaling about your Tarot experiences, the cards you draw, and the insights you gain can further facilitate the process of uncovering core beliefs. Additionally, consulting Tarot practitioners who are experienced in using the cards for self-discovery can provide guidance and interpretations that lead you to uncover and understand your underlying beliefs. Remember that while Tarot can be a valuable tool, it can be particularly insightful when combined with reflection and, if needed, professional support from therapists or counselors to work through the emotions and implications that may arise during this process.

4. Social Conditioning: Societal norms, cultural values, and family expectations can shape our self-perceptions and contribute to negative thoughts. Messages from media, peers, and authority figures can influence how we view ourselves and our abilities.


Tarot can aid in releasing social conditioning by providing a symbolic and introspective pathway to recognize and address unconscious influences.

By engaging with Tarot cards, individuals can uncover patterns, beliefs, and emotions that are rooted in social conditioning. As they interpret the cards, they may recognize connections between their current situation and external influences that have shaped their perspectives.

Asking open-ended questions during a Tarot reading, specifically related to the impact of social conditioning, can help bring these influences to light. Analyzing the symbolism and interpretations of the cards can lead to insights about how these influences are affecting one's choices and perceptions.

Journaling about Tarot experiences and the insights gained can provide a structured way to reflect on social conditioning and its effects. Writing down thoughts, emotions, and realizations can lead to a deeper understanding of how certain beliefs or behaviors are unconsciously influenced by external factors.

Using the cards for introspection can provide guidance and interpretations that help individuals navigate their way through uncovering and addressing the impact of social conditioning.

Remember that while Tarot can be a useful tool in this journey, it's important to engage in self-reflection and potentially seek support from mental health professionals to work through the emotions and challenges that may arise when addressing and releasing deeply ingrained social conditioning.

5. Emotional Memories: Past emotional experiences are stored in our memory and can color how we perceive current situations. If a past failure or rejection felt intense, similar situations in the present may trigger negative thoughts and emotions.

Tarot can assist in uncovering and releasing emotional memories by offering a symbolic and introspective approach. Through its archetypes and imagery, Tarot can evoke memories and emotions tied to past experiences. Begin with focused questions, interpret cards' imagery, and reflect on their resonance with your memories. Journal about findings and emotions triggered by the reading, using creative activities if helpful. Approach this process with self-compassion, understanding that healing is gradual. If emotions become overwhelming, consider seeking professional support.


6. Comparison and Envy: Comparing ourselves to others and feeling envious of their achievements or qualities can trigger feelings of inadequacy and self-criticism. This can lead to negative thought patterns centered around not measuring up.


7. Perfectionism: Striving for perfection and fearing failure can lead to negative self-talk. Unrealistic standards set by perfectionism can make us constantly feel like we're falling short.


8. Fear of Rejection: A fear of being rejected or judged by others can lead to negative self-perceptions and thoughts. This fear can stem from previous experiences or a desire to fit in and be accepted.


9. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: If you believe negative outcomes are inevitable, you may unknowingly engage in behaviors that make those outcomes more likely. For instance, expecting failure might lead you to procrastinate or not give your best effort.


10. Attribution Styles: How we attribute the causes of events influences our thought patterns. Negative attribution styles involve blaming ourselves for negative outcomes (internal attribution) and attributing positive outcomes to external factors (external attribution).


Tarot can aid in addressing attribution styles by offering diverse viewpoints, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging balanced perspectives. Through its symbolism, it challenges habitual attribution patterns, prompting a more nuanced understanding. By exploring subconscious emotions, it reveals underlying reasons for attribution tendencies. Tarot's insights into potential outcomes promote mindfulness and rational assessment, helping to shift from automatic attributions.

11. Defense Mechanisms: Unconscious defense mechanisms, such as denial, projection, or displacement, can protect us from facing uncomfortable truths. However, they can also reinforce negative thought patterns by avoiding self-awareness.


Understanding these unconscious influences is the first step toward recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns. Cultivating self-awareness, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support from therapy or self-help resources can help individuals break free from these patterns and develop more positive and balanced ways of thinking.


How are negative thought patterns a form of unconcious sabotage?

Negative thought patterns can indeed be a form of unconscious sabotage. They have the potential to undermine our goals, well-being, and overall success without us even realizing it. Here's how negative thought patterns act as a form of unconscious sabotage:


1. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Negative thought patterns often lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. When we consistently think negatively about our abilities or the outcome of a situation, we're more likely to engage in behaviors that align with those thoughts. For example, if you believe you'll fail at a task, you might procrastinate or not put in your best effort, increasing the chances of failure.

In Tarot, different cards can symbolically represent aspects of self-fulfilling prophecies. Here are a few cards that could be associated with this concept:

The Wheel of Fortune: This card signifies cycles and changes, highlighting the idea that our beliefs and expectations can influence the outcomes we experience. It reminds us that our attitudes can play a role in shaping our reality.

The High Priestess: This card can symbolize intuition and inner knowing. It reminds us that our beliefs about our own abilities and insights can influence our actions and outcomes.

The Moon: This card represents the subconscious mind and the unseen forces at play. It can suggest that our fears and hidden beliefs might impact our choices and experiences, leading to self-fulfilling outcomes.

The Fool Reversed: While the upright Fool card represents new beginnings and spontaneity, the reversed Fool can indicate a lack of trust in oneself or a tendency to self-sabotage due to negative beliefs or expectations.

The Devil: This card often signifies bondage to material desires or limiting beliefs. It can represent the idea that our negative self-talk or belief in our own limitations can create self-fulfilling prophecies that keep us trapped.

The Tower: While typically associated with sudden upheaval, the Tower can also symbolize the breakdown of old belief systems. It could indicate a situation where existing negative expectations lead to unexpected outcomes.

Remember that Tarot interpretations can vary, and cards can have nuanced meanings depending on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. Tarot is a tool for self-reflection and exploration, so these cards can be used as starting points to delve into how self-fulfilling prophecies might manifest in your own life.


2. Reduced Confidence: Negative thought patterns erode our self-confidence and self-esteem. When we constantly criticize ourselves and doubt our abilities, we are less likely to take risks, pursue opportunities, or put ourselves out there. This lack of confidence can limit our potential for growth and success.

Various cards can symbolically represent reduced confidence or moments of self-doubt. Here are a few cards that could be associated with this theme:

The Hanged Man: This card often signifies a period of suspension or feeling stuck. It can represent a time when your usual perspectives and confidence are challenged, leading to a sense of uncertainty.

The Five of Pentacles: This card typically represents challenges and feelings of lack. It can symbolize moments when you're questioning your abilities or feeling disconnected, which can lead to reduced confidence.

The Eight of Swords: This card often portrays feelings of restriction and being trapped by self-imposed limitations. It can indicate a lack of confidence caused by overthinking or negative thought patterns.

The Ten of Swords: This card usually depicts a situation that feels overwhelming. It can represent moments when self-doubt and negative beliefs have reached a peak, leading to a sense of defeat.

The Four of Cups: This card often signifies introspection and contemplation. It can suggest moments of dissatisfaction with yourself or your circumstances, contributing to reduced confidence.

The Page of Swords Reversed: While the upright Page of Swords represents curiosity and enthusiasm, the reversed position can indicate self-doubt, hesitancy, or feeling unsure about expressing your thoughts and ideas.

The Nine of Wands Reversed: In its reversed position, this card can symbolize a lack of resilience and exhaustion. It might represent a time when your confidence has been tested and you're feeling drained.

Remember that interpretations can vary, and Tarot cards can have nuanced meanings based on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. These cards can serve as starting points for exploring moments of reduced confidence and understanding how they might manifest in your life.


3. Distorted Perspective:Negative thought patterns create a distorted perspective of reality. They magnify problems, minimize successes, and emphasize worst-case scenarios. This skewed perception can hinder our ability to accurately assess situations and make informed decisions.

In Tarot, several cards can symbolically represent a distorted perspective or a skewed way of viewing situations. Here are a few cards that could be associated with this theme:


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The Moon: This card often signifies illusions, uncertainties, and confusion. It can symbolize moments when your perception is clouded by emotions or hidden influences, leading to a distorted view of reality.

The Seven of Cups: This card typically represents choices and fantasies. It can indicate a situation where you're overwhelmed by possibilities or unrealistic expectations, causing your perspective to become muddled.

The Eight of Swords: This card often portrays feeling trapped or restricted. It can symbolize moments when negative thought patterns or self-imposed limitations distort your perspective, making it difficult to see a way forward.

The Devil: This card often signifies attachments and illusions. It can represent times when material desires or limiting beliefs create a distorted lens through which you view yourself and the world.

The Nine of Swords: This card typically represents anxiety and overthinking. It can symbolize moments when worries and fears cloud your perspective, leading to an exaggerated or distorted view of a situation.

The Five of Swords: This card often portrays conflict and ego-driven actions. It can indicate situations where competition or a need to "win" distorts your perspective, causing you to focus solely on personal gain.

The Tower: This card usually represents unexpected upheaval. It can symbolize moments when sudden changes disrupt your existing perspective, leading to a shift in how you view certain aspects of your life.

Remember that interpretations can vary, and Tarot cards can have nuanced meanings depending on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. These cards can serve as starting points for exploring moments of distorted perspective and understanding how they might manifest in your life.


4. Fear of Failure: Negative thought patterns often revolve around a fear of failure. This fear can paralyze us, preventing us from taking action or trying new things. It keeps us in our comfort zone, preventing personal and professional growth.


5. Missed Opportunities: Unconscious negative thought patterns can cause us to overlook opportunities for personal and professional development. We may dismiss possibilities before even considering them due to self-doubt or fear.


In Tarot, several cards can symbolically represent missed opportunities or moments when something valuable was not seized. Here are a few cards that could be associated with this theme:

The Four of Cups: This card often signifies contemplation and missed chances. It can represent moments when you're preoccupied with what you have or what you're not pursuing, causing you to overlook a potential opportunity.

The Five of Cups: This card typically represents disappointment and loss. It can indicate situations where you're focused on what went wrong, causing you to miss the positive aspects or opportunities still available.

The Two of Swords: This card often portrays indecision and being at a crossroads. It can symbolize moments when you're hesitant to make a choice, leading to missed chances due to an inability to move forward.

The Seven of Pentacles: This card often signifies evaluation and patience. It can represent times when you've put effort into something but are unsure if it's worth continuing, potentially causing you to miss future opportunities.

The Eight of Pentacles Reversed: While the upright Eight of Pentacles represents diligence and skill development, the reversed position can indicate missed chances due to lack of focus, effort, or commitment.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed: In its reversed position, this card can symbolize missed opportunities for change or growth due to resistance or a lack of openness to new possibilities.

The Knight of Swords Reversed: While the upright Knight of Swords represents swift action, the reversed position can suggest missed chances due to impulsive decisions or a failure to assess situations properly.

Remember that interpretations can vary, and Tarot cards can have nuanced meanings based on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. These cards can serve as starting points for exploring missed opportunities and understanding how they might manifest in your life.

6. Health Impacts: Continuous negative thoughts can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and even depression. These mental and emotional states can impact our physical health, well-being, and overall quality of life.


7. Relationships: Negative thought patterns can influence how we perceive and interact with others. Constant self-criticism and pessimism can strain relationships and hinder our ability to connect with others on a meaningful level.


8. Lack of Resilience: Negative thought patterns can make us more susceptible to setbacks and challenges. Instead of viewing obstacles as learning experiences, we might interpret them as confirmations of our self-doubt.


Certain cards can symbolically represent a lack of resilience or difficulty in bouncing back from challenges. Here are a few cards that could be associated with this theme:

The Five of Cups: This card often signifies disappointment and loss. It can represent moments when a setback or loss becomes overwhelming, hindering your ability to recover and find a positive perspective.

The Ten of Swords: This card typically depicts a sense of defeat or overwhelm. It can symbolize situations where difficulties have accumulated, leaving you feeling unable to cope or recover.

The Eight of Swords: This card often portrays feeling trapped or restricted. It can indicate moments when negative thought patterns or self-imposed limitations hinder your ability to overcome challenges.

The Three of Swords: This card often signifies heartache and pain. It can represent emotional wounds that make it challenging to move forward or find the strength to rebound.

The Four of Cups Reversed: While the upright Four of Cups represents contemplation, the reversed position can suggest an inability to see new opportunities or a reluctance to embrace positive changes.

The Ten of Wands: This card often signifies burdens and responsibilities. It can symbolize situations where you're overwhelmed by tasks, making it difficult to find the energy to bounce back from challenges.

The Knight of Cups Reversed: While the upright Knight of Cups represents emotional exploration, the reversed position can indicate emotional setbacks or an inability to recover from emotional upheavals.

Remember that interpretations can vary, and Tarot cards can have nuanced meanings based on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. These cards can serve as starting points for exploring a lack of resilience and understanding how it might manifest in your life. If you're struggling with resilience, seeking support from therapists or counselors can provide guidance on developing coping strategies.

9. Decreased Problem-Solving:  Negative thought patterns limit our ability to approach problems with clarity and creativity. Instead of seeking solutions, we might focus on the potential pitfalls or obstacles, hindering our problem-solving skills.


10. Stagnation: Over time, negative thought patterns can lead to a state of stagnation, where we resist change, growth, and new opportunities. This prevents us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals.

Some cards can represent stagnation or a lack of progress. These are some cards that could be associated with this theme:

The Four of Swords: This card often signifies rest and recuperation. It can symbolize moments of stillness or a temporary pause in your endeavors, which might lead to a sense of stagnation.

The Five of Pentacles: This card typically represents challenges and lack. It can indicate periods of feeling stuck or overlooked, contributing to a sense of stagnation in your situation.

The Eight of Cups: This card often portrays seeking something better. It can symbolize moments when you're dissatisfied with your current circumstances and consider moving on, suggesting a form of stagnation.

The Ten of Swords: This card usually depicts a sense of defeat or overwhelm. It can represent a situation where you feel like progress has come to a complete halt, contributing to a feeling of stagnation.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed: In its reversed position, this card can suggest a lack of change or progress due to resistance or a reluctance to embrace new possibilities, leading to a sense of stagnation.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed: While the upright Page of Pentacles represents a practical approach to learning, the reversed position can indicate a lack of progress or a failure to take action on your goals.

The Two of Pentacles Reversed: While the upright Two of Pentacles represents balance and juggling responsibilities, the reversed position can suggest difficulty managing tasks or a sense of being stuck in a routine.

Remember that interpretations can vary, and Tarot cards can have nuanced meanings based on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. These cards can serve as starting points for exploring stagnation and understanding how it might manifest in your life.


Recognizing and addressing negative thought patterns is crucial to preventing unconscious sabotage. Developing self-awareness, challenging irrational beliefs, and replacing negative self-talk with more constructive and realistic thoughts can help break the cycle of self-sabotage and create a more positive, empowered mindset.



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How can Tarot Help?

Tarot can be a powerful tool for helping us realize and release negative thought patterns. It offers a unique approach to self-reflection and introspection, providing insights into our subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Here's how Tarot can assist in recognizing and letting go of negative thought patterns:


1. Self-Reflection: Tarot encourages self-reflection by prompting you to explore your current mindset, emotions, and thought patterns. The symbolism and messages in the cards can act as mirrors, allowing you to see your thoughts and beliefs more clearly.


2. Awareness: Through Tarot readings, you can gain awareness of thought patterns that may have been operating beneath your conscious awareness. The cards can reveal hidden fears, doubts, and insecurities that contribute to negative thinking.


3. Identifying Patterns:Tarot readings can highlight recurring themes and patterns in your life, including negative thought patterns. By recognizing these patterns, you can start to understand their origins and how they impact your thoughts, emotions, and actions.


4. Challenging Beliefs: Tarot provides an opportunity to question and challenge your negative beliefs. When you draw cards that address your concerns, you can explore alternative perspectives and interpretations that counter your negative thoughts.


5. Empowerment: Tarot empowers you to take control of your thoughts and emotions. By gaining insights into your negative thought patterns, you can actively work towards changing them and adopting healthier ways of thinking.


6. Releasing Emotional Blocks: Tarot readings can uncover emotional blocks that contribute to negative thought patterns. Through the process of self-exploration, you can release suppressed emotions and let go of what no longer serves you.


7. Visualization and Affirmation: Tarot readings often include guidance and advice on how to move forward. Visualization exercises and affirmations based on the cards' messages can help you shift your mindset and replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.


8. Self-Compassion: Tarot readings can promote self-compassion by showing you that you're not alone in your struggles. The cards' insights can help you develop a more empathetic and understanding relationship with yourself.


9. Setting Intentions: Tarot can assist in setting intentions to release negative thought patterns. By choosing cards that represent the qualities you want to cultivate and drawing inspiration from them, you can align your energy towards positive change.


10. Tracking Progress:Over time, you can track your progress in releasing negative thought patterns by comparing your current readings with past ones. This allows you to observe shifts in your mindset and measure your growth.


Remember that Tarot is a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. It's important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to engage in introspection. If you find that certain negative thought patterns persist, seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor can complement your Tarot practice and provide additional support in addressing these patterns.


In the realm of personal growth and self-discovery, Tarot shines as a guiding light, illuminating the hidden corners of our thoughts and emotions. Through its symbolism and wisdom, Tarot empowers us to recognize and release negative thought patterns that may have held us captive. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of our inner worlds, Tarot serves as a trusted companion, inviting us to challenge beliefs, embrace self-compassion, and embark on a journey of transformation. By integrating Tarot's insights into our lives, we step onto a path of liberation, rewriting the narratives that no longer serve us and opening ourselves to the boundless potential of positive change. As we lay down the cards, we uncover the power to reshape our thoughts, uplift our spirits, and forge a brighter, more empowered future.

You can always ask about how your negative thought patterns are impacting your situation, relationships, finances, career, and other aspects of yout life when you Choose your Tarot Spread and Place Your Order with me on either my Tav's Tarot Etsy Shop or my Page on! Connect with me on Social media and join my newsletter by entering your email at the bottom of this page to get Exclusive Collective Readings sent to your email, direct access to ask me about how the Tarot Spreads work, and you will also receieve your FIRST FREE ONE CARD READING sent to your inbox upon sign up! The links are at the bottom!

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