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Last Quarter Moon Collective Reading

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Navigating the Last Quarter Moon's Wisdom: Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Guidance

Under the mystical influence of the Last Quarter Moon, we are drawn into a cosmic journey of introspection and growth. As we embrace the enchanting energy of this lunar phase, we explore the angelic insights revealed by the Tarot cards. Join us in this insightful blog post as we unravel the wisdom of the 8 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 5 of Wands, and King of Swords cards, offering guidance on acceptance, forgiveness, and finding guidance along our path.

Embracing Acceptance: 8 of Pentacles

In the ethereal glow of the Last Quarter Moon, the 8 of Pentacles beckons us to accept the lessons necessary for progress. This celestial message urges us to consider what we must acknowledge to move forward. Whether embarking on an apprenticeship or seeking further education, this card encourages a humble dedication to continuous learning. It reminds us that there is always more to discover, paving the way for advancement in our chosen field. The angels whisper that our achievements, no matter how small, are significant steps towards our desired destination.


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Guided by the angelic presence of the 3 of Cups tells us to explore the realm of forgiveness. The Last Quarter Moon highlights the importance of releasing grudges we hold against ourselves or others. This card sheds light on the impact of working tirelessly while neglecting our connections and community. By forgiving ourselves, we take the first step towards healing and realigning our energy with the collective. The angels assure us that the loving relationships we cherish are a testament to our innate ability to forgive and be forgiven.

Guidance from Unexpected Sources: 5 of Wands

Under the watchful gaze of celestial beings, the 5 of Wands encourages us to seek guidance from unlikely quarters. This card reveals that support and insight may come from unexpected sources, perhaps even from those we consider competitors. As we embrace forgiveness, the doors open to interactions that lead to transformative learning experiences. The angels whisper that conflicts and differences can dissolve when we recognize the shared goal of growth. By venturing into the community, we unlock the potential to learn and expand in unexpected ways.

The Lesson of the King of Swords: Wisdom and Authenticity

In the cosmic dance of the Last Quarter Moon, the King of Swords imparts a profound lesson rooted in wisdom and authenticity. The angels guide us to tap into our intuition to shape our career vision. This card invites us to perceive hidden aspects within our workplace or tasks that others may overlook. As we balance conformity and authenticity, we craft an enigmatic aura that seamlessly adapts to situations. The celestial message encourages us to explore ancient wisdom and visualize ourselves as our higher selves perceive us. By connecting with our higher selves, we gain insights into manifesting our intentions and achieving our aspirations.

Embracing Celestial Insights

As we immerse ourselves in the wisdom of the Last Quarter Moon and the angelic guidance revealed by the Tarot cards, we discover the transformative power of acceptance, forgiveness, and guidance. This cosmic journey empowers us to continue learning, healing, and embracing unexpected sources of support. The angels assure us that as we tap into our intuition and balance authenticity, we unlock the keys to manifesting our intentions and aligning with our higher selves.

May the celestial energies of the Last Quarter Moon guide you towards a path of wisdom, healing, and authentic growth.*

Octavia Brangman, Founder and Owner of Tav's Tarot LLC

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