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Messages from the Full Moon

The cards that have been drawn suggest some challenges that we may need to overcome in order to truly seize the day. The Ace of Wands Reversed warns us that our creativity may be blocked or hindered in some way. We may feel unmotivated or uninspired, struggling to find the spark that ignites our passion. 

Adding to this, The Devil reminds us of the temptations and distractions that can lead us astray from our goals and aspirations. We may be facing negative influences that make it difficult to stay on track. Finally, the 3 of Wands Reversed indicates a lack of progress and setbacks in our endeavors. We may feel like we're not moving forward or achieving the success that we desire. Despite these challenges, we are encouraged to persevere and not give up. We may need to be mindful of our choices and remain vigilant against the forces that try to lead us astray. But by focusing on our inner strength and staying true to our values, we can overcome these obstacles and emerge victorious in the end.

The World card represents the completion of a major cycle and the beginning of a new one. This card is telling us that we are ready to move on from the past and enter into a new chapter in our lives. Death also appears in this reading, emphasizing the transformative nature of this moment. It is time for us to let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us and embrace new ones that will bring us growth and prosperity.

The Ace of Wands Reversed indicates that we may be experiencing a lack of motivation or creative inspiration at this time. It is important to find new ways to spark our creativity and find motivation to move forward. This can come in the form of trying new hobbies, exploring new places, or spending time with supportive friends and family.

The Devil represents the challenges and temptations that we may face during this transition. It is important to be mindful of our actions and the influences around us, as we may be easily swayed towards unhealthy behaviors. We must remain focused on our goals and values, and resist any negative impulses or influences.

The 3 of Wands Reversed suggests that there may be delays or setbacks in our plans for the future. We must remain patient and trust that things will unfold in their own time. It is important to continue to work towards our goals, but also to be flexible and open to new opportunities that may arise.

Spirit reminds us that change can be challenging, but it is necessary for growth and transformation. By letting go of the past, embracing new creativity and motivation, remaining focused on our goals and values, resisting negative influences, and staying patient and open-minded, we can move forward into this new chapter of our lives with confidence and purpose.

The collective is currently experiencing a time of transition and change, represented by the Death card. While this may bring about feelings of fear and uncertainty, the Ace of Wands Reversed suggests that the energy and motivation needed to move forward may be lacking. It is important to look within and identify any limiting beliefs or negative patterns that may be holding you back.

The Devil indicates that there may be external forces at play, such as addictions or toxic relationships, that are contributing to this lack of energy and motivation. It is important to recognize these influences and make the necessary changes to remove them from your life.

The 3 of Wands Reversed suggests that there may be a tendency to wait for opportunities to come to you, rather than actively seeking them out. This can lead to feelings of frustration and stagnation. It is important to take control of your own destiny and actively pursue your goals and desires.

Overall, the collective is going through a period of transformation, but may be lacking the energy and motivation needed to make progress. By identifying and removing limiting beliefs and negative influences, and actively pursuing opportunities, it is possible to break through this cycle and achieve success and fulfillment.

The world as a whole is going through a period of transformation and change, and this is symbolized by the presence of the Death card. Old structures and ways of thinking are crumbling, and a new era is beginning. This can be a scary time, but it is also exciting because it offers the possibility for growth and renewal.

The Ace of Wands reversed suggests that there may be a lack of creative energy or enthusiasm at this time. It's important to take some time to reflect on what is truly important to you and what makes you feel passionate. Once you have identified these things, try to make time for them in your life, even if it's just in small ways.

The Devil card is a reminder that there may be negative patterns or addictions that are holding you back. This could be anything from a bad relationship to an unhealthy habit. It's time to face these demons head-on and make a conscious effort to break free from them.

Finally, the 3 of Wands reversed suggests that there may be delays or setbacks in your plans for the future. Don't get discouraged if things aren't moving as quickly as you would like. Remember that transformation takes time, and the most important thing is to keep moving forward with determination and optimism.

Overall, this reading suggests that this is a time of profound change and growth. Embrace your passions, confront your demons, and stay focused on your goals even in the face of setbacks. Remember that the only constant in life is change, and it's up to you to make the most of it.

The world is full of opportunities and experiences, but sometimes the fear of death holds us back from fully embracing them. This fear may be exacerbated by the Ace of Wands Reversed, which can symbolize a lack of motivation and a sense of being stuck in a rut. However, we must not let the Devil - represented here as the temptation to remain in our comfort zone - prevent us from venturing out and exploring the world around us.

The 3 of Wands Reversed suggests that we may be hesitant to take risks and pursue new avenues, but we must overcome this obstacle in order to grow and evolve as individuals. It is essential that we set clear boundaries with those who may hold us back, even if this feels difficult or uncomfortable.

In doing so, we can release ourselves from the burdens of unhealthy relationships or patterns, and allow ourselves to fully embrace the richness of life. With the support of our guides and ancestors, we can navigate the challenges of change and step into a more empowered version of ourselves.

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