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The Interstellar Union of Thoth and Tarot

Thoth and the Tarot: Exploring the Magickal Connection

by Octavia K. Brangman

In the world of tarot, few names carry as much mystique and esoteric significance as Thoth. Known as a powerful deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, Thoth is also associated with the creation of the Thoth Tarot deck, a masterpiece of occult symbolism and magickal insight. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating relationship between Thoth and the tarot, exploring the origins of the Thoth Tarot deck and its significance in the world of magick and divination.

Thoth: The Egyptian God of Wisdom and Magick:

The Mythology of Thoth: In ancient Egyptian mythology, Thoth was revered as the god of wisdom, writing, and magick. Often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, Thoth embodied the power of knowledge, communication, and the divine mysteries. His association with writing and record-keeping made him a patron of scribes and scholars.

Thoth's Role in Magick: As a magickal deity, Thoth was believed to possess deep knowledge of the occult arts, including divination and spellcasting. His connection to language and communication also extended to the spiritual realm, with Thoth being regarded as a guide to the afterlife and the mediator between humans and the gods.

The Thoth Tarot Deck: A Masterpiece of Magickal Symbolism:

Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris: The creation of the Thoth Tarot deck is credited to renowned occultist Aleister Crowley and artist Lady Frieda Harris. Collaborating in the early 20th century, they sought to create a tarot deck that would encapsulate Crowley's esoteric teachings, blending elements of Western mysticism, ancient Egyptian symbolism, and the Qabalah.

Tarot as a Magickal Tool: The Thoth Tarot deck goes beyond traditional tarot interpretations, delving deep into occult symbolism and magickal correspondences. Each card in the deck is meticulously crafted

Tarot as a Magickal Tool: The Thoth Tarot deck goes beyond traditional tarot interpretations, delving deep into occult symbolism and magickal correspondences. Each card in the deck is meticulously crafted with intricate imagery and intricate symbolism, drawing upon the wisdom of ancient Egypt, astrology, alchemy, and Crowley's own mystical teachings. The Thoth Tarot deck acts as a powerful tool for divination, meditation, and magickal workings, allowing practitioners to tap into the energies and archetypes represented in each card.

The Book of Thoth: To accompany the Thoth Tarot deck, Crowley wrote "The Book of Thoth," a comprehensive guide to the cards and their esoteric meanings. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, providing in-depth interpretations, correspondences, and rituals for each card. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to explore the depths of the Thoth Tarot and incorporate its magickal teachings into their practice.

Working with the Thoth Tarot

Study and Meditation: Due to its complex symbolism, working with the Thoth Tarot requires dedication and study. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the imagery and symbolism of each card, reflecting on its deeper meanings. Regular meditation and contemplation on the Thoth Tarot can help unlock its mysteries and allow for a deeper understanding of its magickal teachings.

Ritual and Magickal Workings: The Thoth Tarot deck can be incorporated into rituals and magickal workings, allowing practitioners to harness the energies and archetypes within the cards. Whether it's divination, spellcasting, or personal transformation, the Thoth Tarot can serve as a powerful tool for magickal exploration and manifestation.

The Mythical Origins of Tarot: Thoth and the Pre-Biblical Connection

Among the various mythical origins ascribed to tarot cards, one of the most intriguing is its association with the Egyptian god Thoth. Thoth is a deity from ancient Egyptian mythology known for his roles as the god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He is often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him, and is associated with the act of writing and maintaining the universe's balance through the power of knowledge.

The myth suggesting that Thoth brought tarot to humanity is a later interpretation that seems to combine various elements of esotericism, hermetic philosophy, and comparative mythology. According to this narrative, which emerged centuries after the historical emergence of tarot, Thoth was responsible for providing humans with the knowledge of the tarot as a means of understanding divine wisdom and the laws of the universe. This belief finds resonance in the traditions of hermeticism, where Thoth is equated with Hermes Trismegistus, a syncretic figure who is said to possess profound spiritual and magical knowledge.

Thoth and Extraterrestrial Theories

The extension of Thoth's mythology into the territory of extraterrestrial lore is a more contemporary development, combining ancient astronaut theories with the lore surrounding the Anunnaki. Ancient astronaut theorists posit that many deities from ancient mythologies were in fact extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth in its formative stages and influenced the development of its early civilizations.

One popular theory espouses that Thoth was not merely a god, but an extraterrestrial from a technologically advanced race known as the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki are said to originate from Nibiru, a hypothetical planet in our solar system with an elongated orbit. In this fringe narrative, which rests more on speculative thought than on academic research, the Anunnaki come to Earth in search of gold needed to save the atmosphere of their dying planet. Thoth, as part of this group, purportedly brought advanced knowledge to Earth, which included the secrets of the tarot.

It's crucial to emphasize that while these ideas are captivating, they are not supported by empirical historical or archaeological evidence. Traditional academic views on the origins of tarot do not place its inception in pre-biblical times, nor do they link the tarot's creation to the myth of Thoth in any direct way. Ancient tarot-like elements do appear in various cultures, but the actual Tarot as a deck of cards with a standard structure and recognized symbolism was developed much later, most notably in medieval Europe.

These non-traditional hypotheses stem largely from works like those of Zecharia Sitchin, among others, who interpreted ancient texts to support their theories on extraterrestrial contact with ancient civilizations. While these perspectives are not accepted by mainstream Egyptologists or scholars, they continue to capture the imagination and are a part of the broader cultural conversation around ancient myths and metaphysical beliefs.

The narrative that interweaves Thoth, the tarot, and extraterrestrial lore is a product of modern myth-making, reflecting humanity's enduring fascination with its origins and the mysteries of the cosmos. While this narrative is not historically substantiated, it shines a light on the powerful ways in which mythology and esoteric beliefs continue to evolve and capture the human imagination.

Respecting the Legacy of Thoth and the Thoth Tarot

Acknowledging Cultural Appropriation: As with any form of spiritual practice, it is essential to approach the Thoth Tarot with respect and cultural sensitivity. While the deck draws upon Egyptian symbolism, it is crucial to recognize and honor its roots in ancient Egypt and the legacy of Thoth. Engage in educated discussions and research to understand the historical and cultural context surrounding the deck

Find Your Own Connection: While the Thoth Tarot deck holds deep magickal significance for many practitioners, it is not the only path to tarot exploration. Each tarot deck carries its own unique energies and symbolism, and it's important to find a deck that resonates with your personal journey. Whether you choose to work with the Thoth Tarot or another deck, trust your intuition and find a connection that speaks to your individual spiritual path.

The Thoth Tarot deck stands as a testament to the powerful connection between Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and magick, and the tarot. As a magickal tool, it offers practitioners a profound journey into the depths of occult symbolism and esoteric teachings. However, it is crucial to approach the Thoth Tarot with respect, acknowledging its cultural origins and avoiding cultural appropriation. By delving into the mysteries of the Thoth Tarot and finding a deck that aligns with our individual spiritual paths, we can tap into ancient wisdom, expand our understanding of tarot, and harness the magickal energies within. The Thoth Tarot invites us to explore the realms of intuition, divination, symbolism, and self-discovery, guiding us on a transformative journey through the mysteries of the cosmos.

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