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"Work Problems" Collective Tarot Reading

by Octavia K. Brangman

In this collective Tarot reading for work problems, a fascinating combination of cards has emerged, revealing valuable insights and guidance. Let's explore the significance of each card and how they come together to provide you with a deeper understanding of your work situation.

10 of Swords - Goal

The presence of the 10 of Swords suggests that your ultimate goal in regard to your work is to overcome challenges and obstacles. It indicates a desire to rise above difficulties and achieve success, even in the face of adversity.

This a card that often evokes a strong visual impact and raises concerns due to its depiction of ten swords piercing a figure lying face down on the ground. However, it's important to understand that Tarot cards hold symbolic meanings rather than literal interpretations.

The 10 of Swords traditionally represents a culmination point, indicating the end of a difficult or challenging situation in your work. It signifies that you have reached a breaking point or a moment of surrender. This card implies that you've been through a time of struggle, perhaps experiencing setbacks, betrayal, or feelings of being overwhelmed.

While the imagery may seem grim, there is a glimmer of hope within this card. The ten swords piercing the figure can be seen as representing the completion of the cycle, signifying that the worst may be over. This card suggests that it's time to release the burdens and stresses that have weighed you down and caused exhaustion.

In the context of work, this can indicate the resolution of a difficult project, the end of a challenging period, or the closure of a chapter in your professional life. It signifies an opportunity for you to let go of past disappointments, setbacks, or conflicts that may have hindered your progress.

This card invites you to embrace the lessons learned from those challenges, allowing you to move forward with newfound wisdom and resilience. It signals a time of healing, transformation, and the potential for renewal in your work life.

Remember, Tarot cards are always open to interpretation and can be influenced by surrounding cards and the specific circumstances of the reading. While the 10 of Swords can represent the end of difficult times, its impact on your work situation may vary depending on other cards drawn in the reading.

7 of Wands - Challenge

The 7 of Wands represents the challenges you may currently face in your work. It signals a need to defend your position, stand your ground, and assert yourself amidst competition or conflicting priorities. It encourages you to tap into your inner strength and determination.

The 7 of Wands is a card that represents a sense of defensiveness, standing your ground, and asserting yourself in the face of challenges or opposition. It portrays a figure standing on higher ground, wielding a wand as they fend off or protect themselves from the wands below.

When it comes to work, the 7 of Wands suggests that you may be encountering obstacles, competition, or conflicting priorities that require you to take a firm stance and protect your position. It indicates that you have the opportunity to assert your ideas, opinions, and expertise with confidence and determination.

This card signifies a need for resilience and inner strength as you navigate professional challenges. It encourages you not to back down or allow yourself to be overshadowed by others. Instead, it urges you to tap into your personal power, assert your boundaries, and defend your ideas or projects.

The 7 of Wands calls for you to trust in your abilities and stand up for what you believe in, even if it means facing opposition. It reminds you that having the courage to express yourself and maintain your convictions can ultimately lead to growth and success in your work.

This card may also indicate a competitive environment where you need to showcase your skills or expertise to rise above the competition. It prompts you to be proactive, assertive, and strategic in your approach to make a positive impact.

Spirit invites you to embrace a determined mindset and be willing to take the necessary actions to protect your professional interests. It encourages you to be confident in your abilities and ready to face any challenges that come your way.

The importance of standing your ground is highlighted here, asserting yourself, and believing in your capabilities to overcome obstacles and succeed in your work.

Judgement Reversed - Pulls you back

With Judgement Reversed, there may be factors or influences in your work environment that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. It suggests the need to reflect on any self-judgment or limiting beliefs that may be impeding your progress. Focus on releasing self-doubt and embracing self-acceptance.

When the Judgement card is reversed, its meaning takes on a slightly different tone. Reversed cards in Tarot can indicate challenges, blockages, or areas where energy may be stagnant or inhibited. Here is an interpretation of the reversed Judgement card:

This suggests that there may be factors or influences in your work environment that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. It could indicate a reluctance or resistance to confront your own truth or make necessary changes.

This also may signify self-doubt, a lack of self-acceptance, or a fear of judgment from others. You might find yourself caught in a cycle of repetitive behaviors or patterns that are preventing you from moving forward in your work or personal life.

It calls for a deeper self-reflection to uncover any hidden judgments, limiting beliefs, or negative self-perceptions that may be inhibiting your progress. It invites you to let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion and acceptance.

In a work context, the reversed Judgement card may indicate missed opportunities or unfulfilled potential due to self-imposed limitations. It could be a sign that you are not fully recognizing or utilizing your skills, talents, or expertise. It may be time to reassess your goals, ambitions, or career path, and consider making changes that align more closely with your true passions and values.

Additionally, the reversed Judgement card may suggest the need to break free from external judgments or societal expectations that may be influencing your decisions or self-perception. It encourages you to trust your own inner guidance and make choices that align with your authentic self, even if they may go against conventional norms.

Remember, the Tarot is a tool for reflection and guidance, and ultimately, the power to create change lies within you. The reversed Judgement card serves as a reminder to release self-judgment, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace a path of self-acceptance and authenticity.

7 of Cups - Pushes you forward

The 7 of Cups indicates that there are multiple options, choices, or opportunities available to you in your work life. It encourages you to explore different paths, weigh your options carefully, and follow the path that aligns with your values and aspirations. It reminds you to remain focused and determined as you move forward.

This is a card that often represents a multitude of choices, opportunities, or fantasies. It depicts a figure standing before seven cups, each containing a different symbol or image. This card signals a time of decision-making and the need for clarity amidst various options.

In the context of your reading, the 7 of Cups suggests that you may be faced with multiple possibilities or paths in your work life. It could indicate that you have a range of options or opportunities at your disposal, but it may be challenging to discern which is the most suitable or beneficial.

This card serves as a reminder to approach decision-making with a clear mind and realistic perspective. While having many options can be exciting, it's important to stay focused and consider the potential outcomes, consequences, and long-term implications of each choice.

Spirit also cautions against becoming overwhelmed by the abundance of choices or getting lost in daydreams and illusions. It encourages you to discern between genuine opportunities and mere fantasies, and to ground your decisions in practicality and feasibility.

In some cases, the 7 of Cups can indicate a need for prioritization and focusing on what truly matters to you. It may be necessary to let go of certain options or distractions in order to pursue the most fruitful path. This card invites you to tap into your intuition, values, and long-term goals to guide your decision-making process.

Additionally, this is here to remind you to be mindful of wishful thinking or unrealistic expectations. It encourages you to assess the practicality, feasibility, and potential risks associated with each option before making a choice.

Overall, the 7 of Cups advises you to approach decision-making with discernment, clarity, and realism. It invites you to explore the various possibilities before you but also encourages you to take practical considerations into account. By grounding your choices in a clear understanding of your goals and values, you can navigate the many options and find the path that aligns best with your aspirations and desires.

6 of Wands - Rewards

The presence of the 6 of Wands is a promising sign of recognition, success, and accomplishment in your work. It signifies that your efforts will be rewarded, and your achievements will be acknowledged. Embrace your talents and celebrate your accomplishments with grace and humility.

It signifies that your hard work, dedication, and efforts in your work will not go unnoticed. This card indicates that you are on the path to achieving your goals and that you have the potential to stand out and excel in your chosen field.

This card brings the assurance that your contributions and achievements will be acknowledged by others. Your talents and skills will be recognized, and others will appreciate the value and impact of your work.

Spirit suggests that you may receive praise, accolades, or even promotions for your accomplishments.

However, it is important to approach this recognition with grace and humility. The card encourages you to embrace your talents and achievements without arrogance or superiority. Understand that success is a shared journey, and it is essential to acknowledge the support and contributions of others who have helped you along the way.

The 6 of Wands also reminds you to celebrate your accomplishments. Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate your hard work and the milestones you have reached. Celebrating your successes boosts morale, enhances motivation, and inspires further growth.

Overall, the presence of this in a work problems reading brings a positive and uplifting energy. It assures you that your efforts will be rewarded, and your achievements will be acknowledged. Embrace your talents, remain humble, and take the time to celebrate and appreciate your successes. Keep up the good work, and exciting opportunities lie ahead in your career journey.

Your goal according to this is to overcome challenges and rise above obstacles, despite any setbacks or self-doubt. Trust your inner strength, explore the various opportunities available to you, and remain focused on your aspirations. By doing so, you will find fulfillment, rewards, and recognition in your work.

The main goal for those dealing with work problems is achieving a sense of completion or reaching the end of a challenging cycle. It suggests that the desired outcome is to overcome difficulties and find resolution in your work life. Spirit encourages you to release any lingering negativity or burdens from the past and embrace the opportunity for fresh beginnings and renewed energy.

Again, you may be facing opposition or obstacles that require you to assert yourself and defend your position. Your confidence, resilience, and determination is needed to overcome the challenges that arise. It reminds you to stand your ground and protect your interests in order to achieve growth and success in your work.

There may be internal factors contributing to self-doubt, resistance, or fear of judgment that are holding you back. Spirit calls for self-reflection and personal transformation. It encourages you to confront your own truth, release self-judgment, and embrace self-acceptance. By doing so, you can break free from limitations and align your choices with your authentic self and true purpose.

Spirit suggests that you have various paths available to you, but it may be challenging to discern the most suitable or beneficial one. It reminds you to approach decision-making with clarity, discernment, and groundedness. By prioritizing and choosing wisely among the options, you can move forward and make progress in your work.

The potential rewards and recognition that await you. This card indicates a sense of victory, accomplishment, and public acclaim. It suggests that your hard work, perseverance, and assertiveness will pay off, leading to recognition, promotion, or a sense of fulfillment in your work. The 6 of Wands emphasizes that by overcoming challenges, aligning with your authentic self, making informed decisions, and maintaining a resilient attitude, you can reap the rewards and achieve success in your work endeavors.

This collective reading reveals that while work problems can be challenging, they also present opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing self-reflection, assertiveness, discernment, and self-acceptance, you can navigate the obstacles, overcome challenges, and make decisions that lead to a successful outcome. Keep your eyes on the goal, stay resilient, and trust in your abilities to achieve the recognition and rewards that await you in your work journey.

Remember, Tarot serves as a guide, and the power to shape your work experiences lies within you. Stay determined, embrace opportunities, and trust in your ability to achieve success.



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