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Collective Reading For Gemini Season

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Hey everyone! this is a Collective Reading for Gemini Season (May 21 -June 21). Here, we're looking at what messages spirit has for us between today and June 21! You do not have to be a Gemini or have Gemini anywhere in your birth chart for this to apply to you. I used the Nightmare Before Christmas deck for this reading.

We have the 3 of Wands (left side), 4 of Cups Reversed (Top card in the middle), 4 of Wands Reversed (right side), and at the bottom of the deck, we have the ever-famous Death card from the major arcana (dont get scared! lol)

Much needed and wanted changes that we've been waiting for may start arising this season. That could be changes in help that we may need to push forward with a task, project, or goal. Someone may tell us steps we need to take and we need to be open minded about changes they may suggest to help us get the ball rolling with this transition into the better versions of ourselves. Or, we may attract a new circle of friends, attract new coworkers, new clients, reconnect with friends or distant family or change jobs where there are more people that inspire us to iginite a stage of transformation on the inside and out. There may be things going on within our current circle of friends, at work or at home that causes us to want to make and put plans into action to release instability.

If that is the case, it's our higher selves conspiring and planning together (as we can see in the imagery of the four of wands with the group of vampires) in an effort to light the fire under our asses that'll help us to release instabilty that we either are currently feeling or that our higher selves want us to avoid. With the full moon coming up soon, things regarding our confidence towards our goals may arise and serve as an oppurtunity to release whatever it is that may be blocking that confidence. It may be apathy thats holding alot of us back; constantly tired and lacking energy, and each day that we have an oppurtunity to put something towards it we may hold it off because of those feelings of tiredness. We may hold off seeking new friendships or indepth conversations because of unconcious feelings from the past about doing so. There may have been times where we were so excited to let someone in or couldn't wait till they came back, but then things changed either in theirs or our lives, and the tie with them was cut faster than it was made. Those feelings of grief whether it be a lost loved one, a lost friendship, or lost partner, Spirit is warning us about how holding off on intergrating these feelings, again keeps us from taking the oppurtunities that Spirit gives us each day.

With this zodiac sign being about socializing and communicating, it doesn't just mean with others but with the other facets of ourselves. Part of this Gemini season is looking forward to our new lives whether we were expecting it or not, wanting it or not, and whether or not if others around us (or our past selves) might agree with what our new lives might look like. Gemini's are adaptable, and we need to start changing our outlook on how we adapt to the different people, oppurtunities, expieriences, along with our own thoughts, ideas, and dreams that Spirit gives us. We may not always celebrate every download we recieve from Spirit or idea that we come up with. For example I had the idea a couple weeks ago about getting in to interior designing/decorating.

I wasn't that happy about it at first, if anything it confused me as to why I had this idea after spending eight years in Music School. As time went on, I started to see how this desire connected to my past with the spaces I would usually find myself in (not that they were bad, but they could have been better) and in the present with wanting to redecorate my room.

Ofcourse I had alot of resistance towards this, because of the possibility that it could mean me going back to school (which would be my four of cups in this case; being ultra closed off to the idea of going back to school) and being afraid that I might not get as much enjoyment out of it. However, that thought and dream of doing that released the discontent over the instability I was experiencing with music at that time. With that being said, our projects and goals may need either a tweeking, we may need to be more open to passions that arise from our own intuitive guidance or siggestions from others, or we may even a fresh start all together.

Eventhough letting go of what once brang us joy, and what we thought might bring us some sort of yeild may be frustrating and we may grieve it, the new challenges brought forth with those ideas give us something to look forward to and could even attract the right people to help us on our new journeys. Staying with the some of the methods or paths we are on or disregarding the nudges from Spirit to come out of the shell may bring more instability. We all could be more mindful of our social media usage especially if we're pinballing between the same apps that distract us and cause us to procrastinate, again on making plans towards our goals and resolving the instability thay we're met with again and again the second we tune back into the present after scrolling for however long. We may think and feel like we're resting while we're scrolling, but the dopimine rush that we might get from things we see on social media (even this!) all adds up, and dampens our motivation and energy towards reaching stages of development in our lives. The Death card is more of a representation of a metamorphisis, similar to that of a butterfly. With that being said, we have to push forward out of our sluggish caterpillar stage into our monarch to get to where we all wanna be faster!

Also, with the way we use our favorite apps, it may be causing us to retreat inwards. If those apps aren't bringing any sort or return, change, real satisfaction, an end to a sense of discontentment, and if they're not neutralizing instability that we're experiencing or that you feel you will if we continue to close ourselves off to opportunities to turn our lives around, then the Inner work definitely needs to be done.

Meditating on those feelings and journaling are two ways amoungst others that will help get to the unconcious roots of self-pity, apathy, lethargy, feelings of despair, depression, and exhaustion that seep in us from mundane day to day, past experiences, things going on at home (whether it be family disputes or dealing with broken appliances or other things around the house), or what have you. Our Social media use could be our unconcious way of expressing doubt. However, Spirit is telling us through this reading that we will (or need to really focus on if we're not already) start to shed our social media habits along with others to help things take a turn for the better.

Being in Gemini season, its not to say to completely eliminate our social media usage but again, being mindful of what and/or who its bring to us. We need to ask ourselves if who we're watching, talking to, and following is really bring us life changing advice and inspiring us to make plans, network, and broaden pur horizons? or If who and what we're consuming on social media only takes time away and leaves us with low confidence towards our ability to stay true to our goals and with a sense of guilt over wasted time, attention, and energy? Now is the time to accept more social invitations this season not only because of the quality of time but because of the quality of weather! You never know who you could run into at any time anywhere that could help inspire you with your career or project or dream. Last month I ran into a few people at a party that gave me suggestions to projects I could join in on that could get me some foot work in the music industry.

The angel number that we have here is 344, this goes along with the theme of new and exciting changes that are coming on account of our acceptance, willingness to embrace, and how well we adapt to them. Through this number, our Angels and Guides remind us of the positive work we already have put towards our goals/dreams, along with the fact that they applaud us for the positive energy we've generated from those past effort and that a part of the reason why things are making a turn for the better and our "ships are coming in" so to speak.

Even if the intention to change is all there is, thats the spark thats needed to leave the past behind and move forward with our transitions. In combination with the cards that were pulled, our Angels and Guides also tell us that we'll expierience this sense of happiness after the difficulties mentioned earlier are overcome; doing the inner work to get to the root of the unconcious feelings that lead to distractions and procrastination. We should also be looking forward to those challenges because over coming them could mean rapid growth to finances, emotional growth, growth in the amount of support or loved ones around us, spiritual growth/awakening, and even your dreams getting bigger as a result of the new beginings these obstacles bring.

Angel Number 344 also tells us to be our own source of joy.Yes, this season is about socializing, networking, connecting, and being expressive. However, we need to have a balace between our time on social media, face to face ( in refrence to the two talkative twins we usually see in pictures associated with Gemini) communication, and time to and with ourselves. We need to also let go of underlying belief that our efforts wont matter, because they do.

Even if we take awhile to do the inner work, Spirit is gracious enough to still see us through to our goal, but it may come at a greater price because of allowing self-pity to get the best of us. Spirit is also telling us to make the most of feeling energized during this seaon with upcoming transits that will effect us! Being more verbal and extroverted this season, will help us to get out of the rut of being bored and tied to current relationships, feelings, and ways of thinking that may have lost what caused us to feel passionate about them.

Even if we feel unwelcome during times of trying to be more social, we have to remember thay the cocoon will no linger affect the butterfly at some point.

If anything here resonates with you or you would like your own private reading, head over to my new Etsy shop ( to purchase your own documented reading! You can also click on the link below for donations or tips

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