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New Moon Collective Reading

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

As the new moon cycle begins, the Page of Swords card reminds you that your curiosity may be heightened during this time. You may find yourself drawn to learning more about your own thought process and trying to gain mental clarity. However, you may be struggling with restlessness and racing thoughts, which may be contributing to a lack of focus and mental clarity.

Use this time to observe your thoughts and start identifying which ones are contributing to your feelings of restlessness. By understanding these thoughts, you may be able to find a sense of peace and mental clarity that will help you move forward with your goals.

During this cycle, you may also find yourself drawn to social media and online content that piques your interest. It may be a new recipe or a life hack, a beauty DIY technique, or even a hairstyle. While these may seem like innocent diversions, it's important to recognize that they may stem from a deeper desire to view yourself differently, whether it be physically or in regards to how convenient you can make things for yourself and others.


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Use your curiosity to your advantage during this cycle. Embrace the unknown and allow yourself to explore new ideas and perspectives. But be mindful of the root of your restlessness, and make sure that your curiosity is leading you down a positive path of self-discovery and growth.

This cycle, you are filled with excitement and energy, eager to show compassion to both yourself and others. You believe that this is the path to calmness and peace.

However, in this world of ever-changing trends and social media feeds, it can be easy to get caught up in the constant need to improve and change. Instead, the Queen of Cups encourages you to focus on who you are now, pouring your energy into your current self. Embrace your unique personality traits, and allow others to be curious about them.

Perhaps a parent or older figure in your life may point out a certain aspect of yourself that they find exciting and want to learn more about. They may remind you of how this trait originated, or how you were taught certain behaviors that contribute to your curiosity and wonder.

Remember to stay true to yourself, and allow others to appreciate the beauty that already exists within you. With the energy of the new moon, let yourself shine as the authentic, compassionate person you are.

The New Moon signifies a fresh start, a new cycle of learning and growth. It symbolizes the blank canvas on which we can paint our intentions and manifest our desires. The Page of Swords urges us to approach this new chapter with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. It encourages us to ask questions, seek answers, and be open to new perspectives.

The Queen of Cups, with her compassionate and empathetic nature, reminds us to be gentle with ourselves as we navigate this learning process. Mistakes may be made, but they should not discourage us. Instead, we should view them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. The Queen of Cups encourages us to be kind and patient with ourselves, nurturing our emotional well-being throughout the journey.


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The Ace of Pentacles reveals an unexpected opportunity for learning a new skill. It may seem insignificant or even trivial at first, but its potential for growth and profitability should not be underestimated. This new skill could bring great value to our business, project, or creative endeavors. It may be the missing puzzle piece that propels us to the next level of success.

Therefore, this reading reminds us to embrace the lessons learned from the previous cycle and allow them to guide us through this new phase of self-discovery. It emphasizes the importance of patience, compassion, and grounding ourselves during the process. Additionally, it urges us to be open to new opportunities for learning and growth, no matter how small they may seem at first. With the right mindset and dedication, we have the potential to turn this new opportunity into something truly valuable. So let us step into this new cycle with confidence, curiosity, and an open heart, ready to expand our knowledge and embrace our full potential.

You can ask about what any moon phase brings to you when you place an order with me on my Etsy shop!

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