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The Power of Meaningful Connections: A Collective Tarot Reading

by Octavia K. Brangman

Welcome to this insightful tarot reading, where we delve into the realm of self-identity and its profound impact on our lives. Discover the potential for growth, healing, and meaningful connections as we navigate the challenges and tensions that arise on the journey of self-discovery. Through the guidance of the tarot cards, we unravel the messages and wisdom that can empower individuals facing self-identity issues, offering a beacon of hope and understanding. Let us embark on this transformative path, embracing the power of authenticity, self-acceptance, and nurturing connections.

The Ace of Pentacles in the current state suggests that there is potential for the power of meaningful connections to manifest and bring abundance and stability. This card symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities in the material realm, indicating that there are fertile grounds for cultivating strong and meaningful relationships.

The 10 of Wands indicates that there is some tension associated with the pursuit of these connections. It suggests that there may be a sense of burden or overwhelm in maintaining and navigating these relationships. It could be due to the responsibilities and obligations that come with cultivating deep connections or the weight of previous experiences.

The 6 of Swords comes as an invitation for release. It signifies a transition or movement away from the tension towards a calmer and more peaceful state. This card suggests that by releasing old patterns and letting go of unnecessary baggage, you can navigate relationships with a clearer mind and lighter heart.

The 3 of Swords represents a need for healing within these connections. It indicates that past hurts or emotional wounds may be affecting the ability to form and maintain meaningful connections. It encourages the collective to acknowledge and address these pain points, allowing for the healing process to begin.

The Empress card signifies taking action. It represents nurturing, creativity, and growth. It suggests that through actively investing in relationships, creating a safe and loving environment, and embracing the qualities of compassion and understanding, the power of meaningful connections can be harnessed.

The 2 of Cups emphasizes the importance of self-love. It indicates that fostering sustainable and authentic connections starts from within. By cultivating a healthy sense of self-worth, self-compassion, and self-nurturing, the collective can attract and nurture meaningful relationships with others.

The presence of the 3 of Pentacles suggests that there may be physical tensions or challenges when it comes to building connections. It could refer to practical or logistical obstacles that may need to be overcome in order to fully embody and experience the power of meaningful connections.

The reversed 8 of Cups points to mental tensions or blockages. It indicates that there may be unresolved thoughts, doubts, or negative beliefs that hinder the collective from fully embracing and benefiting from meaningful connections. It suggests the need to release these mental burdens and cultivate a more open and positive mindset.

The reversed Magician reflects emotional tension within the collective. It suggests that there may be challenges in expressing and processing emotions in a healthy and balanced way when it comes to forming connections. It calls for emotional awareness, introspection, and working towards emotional healing and stability.

The presence of The Hanged Man indicates spiritual tension or a sense of being in limbo. It suggests that there may be a need for a shift in perspective or surrendering to a higher wisdom in order to overcome spiritual obstacles and fully harness the power of meaningful connections.

Overall, this reading highlights that while there may be various tensions and challenges in the pursuit of meaningful connections, there is also a strong potential for growth, healing, and transformation. It calls for self-love, self-nurturing, and a willingness to release old patterns, wounds, and limitations in order to embrace the profound power that meaningful connections can bring.


The Ace of Pentacles in the current state suggests that there is a potential for the power of meaningful connections to manifest and bring abundance within the LGBTQ community. This card indicates that there are opportunities for building strong and meaningful relationships that can lead to stability and fulfillment.

The 10 of Wands represents tension, which may resonate with some experiences within the LGBTQ community. It acknowledges the burdens and challenges that can arise from societal pressures, discrimination, or the weight of expectations. However, it also signifies resilience and the strength to persevere despite these obstacles.

The 6 of Swords encourages the LGBTQ community to release any past traumas or societal constructs that may hinder their ability to form and nurture meaningful connections. It suggests transitioning from a place of struggle towards a calmer and more peaceful state, freeing oneself from negative influences and embracing a new chapter of healing and growth.

The 3 of Swords points to the need for healing within the LGBTQ community. It acknowledges the emotional wounds and pain that may have been experienced due to rejection, discrimination, or prejudice. It encourages individuals within the community to acknowledge and address these wounds, seeking healing and support in order to move forward with greater resilience.

The Empress card represents action and nurturing. It indicates that by actively embracing self-acceptance, authenticity, and love within the LGBTQ community, meaningful connections can flourish. The Empress encourages the community to create safe and nurturing spaces, celebrating individuality and fostering compassion and understanding among its members.

The 2 of Cups underscores the importance of self-love within the LGBTQ community. It reminds individuals to cultivate self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-nurturing. By embracing their own unique identities and honoring their journey, they can attract and nurture authentic and fulfilling connections with others.

The presence of the 3 of Pentacles suggests that there may be physical tensions or challenges within your enviornment when it comes to building connections. This could allude to facing societal barriers, discrimination, or navigating complex dynamics. It calls for unity, collaboration, and supporting one another as the community works together to overcome these obstacles.

The reversed 8 of Cups and Magician symbolize mental and emotional tensions. This could represent internal struggles and doubts, fear of judgment or rejection, or grappling with one's own identity or coming out process. It highlights the importance of addressing these mental and emotional blocks, seeking support, and cultivating a positive mindset to fully embrace meaningful connections.

The presence of The Hanged Man suggests that there may be spiritual tensions or a sense of being in limbo. It calls for introspection, finding solace in personal growth, and embracing one's unique spiritual or philosophical journey. By surrendering to the wisdom within, the community can transcend spiritual obstacles and find a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

Overall, this reading for the LGBTQ community emphasizes the potential for growth, healing, and meaningful connections. It acknowledges the challenges and burdens that may be faced but also highlights the resilience, strength, and transformative power within the community. It encourages self-love, self-acceptance, and embracing individual identities, while fostering unity, support, and compassion among community members.

Self Identity

The Ace of Pentacles in the current state suggests that there is potential for self-discovery and finding a solid sense of identity. It symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities in terms of self-identity, indicating that there are fertile grounds for exploring and nurturing one's true self.

The 10 of Wands represents tension, which may resonate with those experiencing self-identity issues. It acknowledges the burdens and challenges that can arise when trying to navigate and define one's identity, especially in the face of societal expectations or personal struggles. It implies that self-exploration can sometimes feel overwhelming or burdensome.

The 6 of Swords indicates the need for release and transition in regards to self-identity issues. It suggests leaving behind old patterns, beliefs, or labels that no longer serve a person's growth and well-being. By embracing change and embarking on a journey of self-discovery, individuals can move towards a more peaceful and authentic self-identity.

The 3 of Swords points to the healing process that is necessary when dealing with self-identity issues. It acknowledges the emotional wounds that may have been inflicted by self-doubt, confusion, rejection, or societal pressures. It encourages individuals to face and address these wounds, seeking healing and self-compassion as they explore and redefine their sense of self.

The Empress card represents taking action and nurturing oneself. It suggests that by embracing self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance, individuals can navigate and embrace their evolving self-identity with compassion and grace. It emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and nurturing space for self-exploration.

The 2 of Cups indicates the significance of self-love and acceptance in the process of self-identity exploration. It highlights the importance of developing a positive and loving relationship with oneself, acknowledging that true connections with others stem from an authentic and genuine understanding and acceptance of one's own identity.

The presence of the 3 of Pentacles suggests that there may be physical tensions or challenges when it comes to discovering and expressing one's self-identity. It could indicate external pressures, societal norms, or practical barriers that may need to be overcome in order for individuals to fully embrace and express their true selves.

The reversed 8 of Cups and Magician symbolize mental and emotional tensions.

This could represent the inner struggles, doubts, or fear of judgment that may arise when grappling with self-identity issues. It highlights the importance of addressing these internal blocks, seeking support, and cultivating a positive mindset that encourages self-acceptance and self-empowerment.

The presence of The Hanged Man suggests that self-identity issues may entail a spiritual journey of introspection and surrendering to a higher wisdom. It calls for a willingness to shift perspectives, explore new beliefs or philosophies, and find meaning in the process of self-discovery.

Overall, this reading for those going through self-identity issues demonstrates the potential for growth, healing, and self-acceptance. It acknowledges the challenges and tensions that may be faced during this process but also emphasizes the importance of self-care, self-love, and embracing personal authenticity. It encourages individuals to release old patterns, seek healing and support, and approach self-identity exploration with patience, compassion, and a willingness to embrace change.

As we conclude this enlightening tarot reading, may the insights gained guide you towards a deeper understanding of self-identity and its intricate complexities. Embrace the potential for growth and healing, knowing that within you lies the power to navigate family struggles, embrace self-acceptance, and cultivate meaningful connections. Remember, this journey is unique to you, and as you embrace authenticity and nurture the bond with your loved ones, may you find harmony, peace, and a profound sense of fulfillment. Trust in your own inner wisdom and embrace the transformative power of embracing your truest self.

If you would like to book a personal reading with me you can message me right here on the site, see my social media, or visit my Etsy shop!

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